
Samsung Galaxy S23 series Hi-Res renders revealing all color variants!

We already have seen so many renders of the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S23 series. These renders showed us how the Galaxy S23 series will look like. This time Evan Blass shared some high resolution renders of the Galaxy S23 series along with all the possible color variants.

Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra renders of all color variants

According to the renders of @evleaks, the Galaxy S23 Ultra will come in four color variants. There will be Cotton Flower, Misty Lilac, Botanic Green, Phantom Black color variants for the ultra model.

Samsung Galaxy S23 and S23+ renders of all color variants

But the base S23 and the S23 will come in these same color variants with no exceptions. These are the news of upcoming Samsung Galaxy S23 series color variants but Samsung may launch a new color variant.

He also shared a image of all possible color variants of the Samsung Galaxy S23 series with renders.

Samsung Galaxy S23 series all color variants renders

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